Noticias de Yucatán
Versión en inglés
Domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015
En Yucatán ya se confirmaron 10 casos autóctonos de chikungunya en lo que va del año, de acuerdo con el reporte presentado el martes 4 de agosto por la Dirección General de Epidemiología (DGE) de la Secretaría de Salud Federal (SSA).
En los últimos cuatro meses, los casos del virus del chikungunya se dispararon en el país al pasar de 458 a 3,306 contagios.
Actualmente se han reportado casos de esta enfermedad en 16 entidades, es decir, la mitad del país.
El último reporte de la SSA señala que las entidades donde se encuentra el virus son: Coahuila. Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit, Morelos y el Estado de México.
Los estados con mayor número de casos son: Guerrero, que en 2014 tenía 11 casos y actualmente registra 1,172; Oaxaca tenía siete casos y ahora 646; Chiapas, 135 y hoy 576; Michoacán no presentaba casos y actualmente tiene 416, y Veracruz, el cual tampoco registró el año pasado pero hasta agosto de 2015 acumuló 249.
Por género
La dependencia señala que del total de casos, 63% corresponde a mujeres y el resto a hombres. Además, en 49.8% de los casos se trata de personas que se encuentran en el grupo de edad de entre los 20 a los 49 años.
De 2012 a 2015 se tenían contabilizados un total de 458 casos de chikungunya, sin embargo, hasta el último conteo del 31 de julio, esta cifra aumentó a 3,306 contagios a escala nacional.
Por su parte, hasta esa misma fecha, de acuerdo con la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), que da seguimiento desde hace unas 30 semanas a la epidemia en América, ya se reportaron en México 2,646 casos autóctonos confirmados, más 11 que se contagiaron fuera del país.
En América actualmente se tienen confirmado 17,706 casos del virus, de los cuales 51 causaron la muerte a los infectados.
Las autoridades de la SSA confirmaron el 24 de junio de 2014 el primer caso en México de una persona contagiada con el virus chikungunya.
En ese entonces, se confirmó que una mujer del estado de Jalisco contrajo el virus, al parecer cuando viajó a Antigua y Barbuda, un país del Caribe donde se habían presentado brotes.
Salud América
El chikungunya no se presenta dos veces en la misma persona, según la OMS.
Sin las defensas
Debido a que el virus es nuevo en América, los habitantes del continente no tienen las defensas necesarias para combatirlo.
Debido a que el 98% de los casos se tratan fuera de un hospital, las personas contagiadas deben permanecer en reposo, tomar la medicación prescrita y entre dos y tres litros de agua por día para evitar la deshidratación de la fiebre. Se deben reposar entre mosquiteros para evitar la propagación del virus.
El chikungunya, que puede convertirse en una tortura para las articulaciones de las personas, causa fiebre y afecta las circulación, entre otros síntomas desagradables.
Resulta algo sorprendente que una pequeña picadura de mosquito pueda llevar a una persona a tener vacaciones forzosas. Ciertamente es sorprendente si comparamos el tamaño de nuestro “enemigo” con el de un humano. Una de las enfermedades que transmite este minúsculo ser es capaz de causar que pasemos una temporada en la cama. Pero ¿qué enfermedad es y cómo nos afecta?
El mal del cual te hablo se llama “chikungunya”, y de acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), esta palabra es una voz del idioma Kimakonde que significa “doblarse”, en alusión al aspecto encorvado de los pacientes debido a los dolores articulares.
Según detalla este organismo, la fiebre chikungunya es una enfermedad vírica transmitida al ser humano por mosquitos. Se describió por primera vez durante un brote ocurrido en el sur de Tanzania en 1952 y se trata de un virus ARN del género alfavirus, familia Togaviridae.
Signos y síntomas
La OMS señala que la fiebre chikungunya se caracteriza por la aparición súbita de fiebre, generalmente acompañada de dolores articulares. Otros signos y síntomas frecuentes de esta enfermedad son: dolores musculares, dolores de cabeza, náuseas, cansancio y erupciones cutáneas. Los dolores articulares suelen ser muy debilitantes, pero generalmente desaparecen en pocos días.
Aunque según la OMS, la mayoría de los pacientes se recuperan completamente del chikungunya, en algunos casos los dolores articulares pueden durar varios meses, o incluso años. Se han descrito casos ocasionales con complicaciones oculares, neurológicas y cardiacas, y también con molestias gastrointestinales.
Sí, si puede ser mortal
Aún no te asustes, de acuerdo con la OMS, las complicaciones graves no son frecuentes. Ahora sí, preocúpate, pues también dice que en personas mayores la enfermedad puede contribuir a la muerte.
A menudo los pacientes sólo tienen síntomas leves y la infección puede pasar inadvertida o diagnosticarse erróneamente como dengue en zonas donde éste es frecuente, explica.
Ahora es importante saber cómo se transmite la fiebre chikungunya, que según datos de la OMS, se ha detectado en más de 60 países de Asia, África, Europa y las Américas.
La OMS explica que el virus se transmite de una persona a otras por la picadura de mosquitos hembra infectados. Generalmente los mosquitos implicados son Aedes aegypti y Aedes albopictus, dos especies que también pueden transmitir otros virus, entre ellos el del dengue. Estos mosquitos suelen picar durante todo el periodo diurno, aunque su actividad puede ser máxima al principio de la mañana y al final de la tarde. Ambas especies pican al aire libre, pero Aedes aegypti también puede hacerlo en ambientes interiores.
La enfermedad suele aparecer entre 4 y 8 días después de la picadura de un mosquito infectado, aunque el intervalo puede oscilar entre 2 y 12 días.
Una vez que se confirmó que una persona tiene chikungunya, es necesario que sea atendida con el tratamiento adecuado para evitar que la enfermedad se complique.
Según la OMS, el tratamiento consiste principalmente en aliviar los síntomas, entre ellos el dolor articular; con antipiréticos, analgésicos óptimos y líquidos. También debes saber que actualmente no hay en el mercado ninguna vacuna contra el virus chikungunya.
No te alarmes, si sigues las siguientes medidas de prevención y control que recomienda la OMS, difícilmente tendrás vacaciones forzosas a causa del chikungunya:
Prevención y control.
La prevención y el control se basan en gran medida en la reducción del número de depósitos de agua naturales y artificiales que puedan servir de criadero de los mosquitos. Para ello es necesario movilizar a las comunidades afectadas. Durante los brotes se pueden aplicar insecticidas, sea por vaporización, para matar los moquitos en vuelo, o bien sobre las superficies de los depósitos o alrededor de éstos, donde se posan los mosquitos; también se pueden utilizar insecticidas para tratar el agua de los depósitos a fin de matar las larvas inmaduras.
Además, como protección durante los brotes se recomiendan llevar ropa que reduzca al mínimo la exposición de la piel a los vectores. También se pueden aplicar repelentes a la piel o a la ropa, respetando estrictamente las instrucciones de uso del producto. Para quienes duerman durante el día, sobre todo los niños pequeños, los enfermos y los ancianos, los mosquiteros tratados con insecticidas proporcionan una buena protección. Las espirales insectífugas y los vaporizadores de insecticidas también pueden reducir las picaduras en ambientes interiores.
Por último, se recomienda que las personas que viajen a zonas de riesgo deben adoptar precauciones básicas, como el uso de repelentes, pantalones largos y camisas de manga larga, o la instalación de mosquiteros en las ventanas.
News Yucatan
Sunday, August 9, 2015
In Yucatan and 10 indigenous cases of chikungunya were confirmed in so far this year, according to a report released Tuesday August 4 by the General Directorate of Epidemiology (DGE) of the Federal Ministry of Health (SSA).
In recent four months, cases of chikungunya virus soared in the country, going from 458 to 3.306 infections.
Currently there have been cases of this disease in 16 entities, ie half the country.
The latest report of the SSA states that entities where the virus are: Coahuila. . Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacan, Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit, Morelos and the State of Mexico
's states with the highest number of cases are: Guerrero, who in 2014 was 11 1,172 cases and currently registered;Oaxaca had seven cases and now 646; Chiapas, 135 and 576 today; Michoacan had no cases and currently has 416, and Veracruz, which also recorded last year but until August 2015 accumulated 249.
By gender
dependence indicates that the total cases, 63% are women and the rest men. Furthermore, 49.8% of the cases involve people who are in the age group between 20 to 49 years.
From 2012-2015 it had recorded a total of 458 cases of chikungunya, however, until the last July 31 count, this figure increased to 3,306 infections nationwide.
For his part, until that date, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which tracks about 30 weeks since the epidemic America, and Mexico were reported in 2,646 indigenous confirmed cases, plus 11 who were infected outside the country.
In America they are currently 17,706 confirmed cases of the virus, which killed 51 infected.
Authorities confirmed SSA June 24, 2014 the first case in Mexico of a person infected with the chikungunya virus.
At that time, it was confirmed that a woman in the state of Jalisco contracted the virus, apparently when he traveled to Antigua and Barbuda, a Caribbean country where They had been outbreaks.
Health America
Chikungunya is not presented twice in the same person, according to WHO.
No defenses
Because the virus is new to America, the continent's inhabitants do not have the necessary defenses to fight it.
Because 98% of cases are treated outside a hospital, infected people should stay at rest, take prescribed medication and two to three liters of water per day to avoid dehydration from fever. They should stand between nets to prevent the spread of the virus.
In recent four months, cases of chikungunya virus soared in the country, going from 458 to 3.306 infections.
Currently there have been cases of this disease in 16 entities, ie half the country.
The latest report of the SSA states that entities where the virus are: Coahuila. . Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacan, Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit, Morelos and the State of Mexico
's states with the highest number of cases are: Guerrero, who in 2014 was 11 1,172 cases and currently registered;Oaxaca had seven cases and now 646; Chiapas, 135 and 576 today; Michoacan had no cases and currently has 416, and Veracruz, which also recorded last year but until August 2015 accumulated 249.
By gender
dependence indicates that the total cases, 63% are women and the rest men. Furthermore, 49.8% of the cases involve people who are in the age group between 20 to 49 years.
From 2012-2015 it had recorded a total of 458 cases of chikungunya, however, until the last July 31 count, this figure increased to 3,306 infections nationwide.
For his part, until that date, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which tracks about 30 weeks since the epidemic America, and Mexico were reported in 2,646 indigenous confirmed cases, plus 11 who were infected outside the country.
In America they are currently 17,706 confirmed cases of the virus, which killed 51 infected.
Authorities confirmed SSA June 24, 2014 the first case in Mexico of a person infected with the chikungunya virus.
At that time, it was confirmed that a woman in the state of Jalisco contracted the virus, apparently when he traveled to Antigua and Barbuda, a Caribbean country where They had been outbreaks.
Health America
Chikungunya is not presented twice in the same person, according to WHO.
No defenses
Because the virus is new to America, the continent's inhabitants do not have the necessary defenses to fight it.
Because 98% of cases are treated outside a hospital, infected people should stay at rest, take prescribed medication and two to three liters of water per day to avoid dehydration from fever. They should stand between nets to prevent the spread of the virus.
Chikungunya, which can become a torture for the joints of people, causes fever and affects the circulation, among other unpleasant symptoms.
Somewhat surprisingly, a small mosquito bite can lead a person to have forced vacation. It is certainly surprising if we compare the size of our "enemy" with a human. One of the diseases it transmits this tiny being is capable of causing us to spend some time in bed. But what disease it is and how it affects us?
The evil of which I speak is called "chikungunya", and according to the World Health Organization (WHO), this word is a word of the language Kimakonde meaning "bend" in reference to the stooped appearance of patients because of joint pain.
As detailed in this body, Chikungunya fever is a viral disease transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. It was first described for a case in southern Tanzania in 1952 and is an RNA virus of the alphavirus genus, family Togaviridae. outbreak
Signs and symptoms
The WHO says that the Chikungunya fever is characterized by sudden onset of fever, usually accompanied by joint pain. Other common signs and symptoms of this disease include muscle aches, headaches, nausea, fatigue and rash.Joint pain often very debilitating, but usually disappear within a few days.
Although according to WHO, most patients recover completely from chikungunya in some cases joint pain may last several months or even years. Occasional cases have been reported with ocular, neurological and cardiac complications, and gastrointestinal discomfort.
Yes, can be fatal if
not panic yet, according to WHO, serious complications are rare. Now, worry, as also says that in older people the disease can contribute to death.
Often patients have only mild symptoms and the infection may go unnoticed or misdiagnosed as dengue in areas where it is often said.
Now is important to know how the chikungunya fever, which according to the WHO, has been detected in more than 60 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas is transmitted.
The WHO says the virus is transmitted from one person to another by the bite of infected female mosquitoes. Usually the mosquitoes involved are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, two species which can also transmit other viruses, including dengue. These mosquitoes usually bite during the daytime period, although its activity can be greatest early in the morning and late afternoon. Both species bite outdoors, but Aedes aegypti can also do indoors.
The disease usually appears between 4 and 8 days after the bite of an infected mosquito, although the range can vary between 2 and 12 days.
Once it was confirmed that a person has chikungunya, it needs to be serviced with proper treatment to prevent the disease is complicated.
According to WHO, the treatment consists mainly of relieving symptoms, including joint pain; antipyretics, analgesics and optimum liquid. But know that there is currently no market no vaccine against chikungunya virus.
Do not be alarmed if you follow the following prevention and control recommended by WHO, hardly have forced because of chikungunya holiday:
. Prevention and control
Prevention and control rely heavily on reducing the number of natural water reservoirs and artificial that can serve as breeding place for mosquitoes. This requires mobilizing affected communities. During outbreaks may apply insecticides, whether by vaporization, to kill mosquitoes in flight or on the surfaces of shells or around these, where mosquitoes pose; you can also use insecticides to treat water from the tanks to kill the immature larvae.
Furthermore, as protection during outbreaks are recommended to wear clothes that minimize skin exposure to vectors. You can also apply repellents to the skin or clothing, strictly following the instructions of use of the product.For those who sleep during the day, especially young children, the sick and the elderly, ITNs provide good protection.The mosquito coils and sprays insecticides can also reduce bites indoors.
Lastly, it is recommended that persons traveling to risk areas should take basic precautions, such as using repellent, long pants and long-sleeved shirts, or installing screens on windows.
The evil of which I speak is called "chikungunya", and according to the World Health Organization (WHO), this word is a word of the language Kimakonde meaning "bend" in reference to the stooped appearance of patients because of joint pain.
As detailed in this body, Chikungunya fever is a viral disease transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. It was first described for a case in southern Tanzania in 1952 and is an RNA virus of the alphavirus genus, family Togaviridae. outbreak
Signs and symptoms
The WHO says that the Chikungunya fever is characterized by sudden onset of fever, usually accompanied by joint pain. Other common signs and symptoms of this disease include muscle aches, headaches, nausea, fatigue and rash.Joint pain often very debilitating, but usually disappear within a few days.
Although according to WHO, most patients recover completely from chikungunya in some cases joint pain may last several months or even years. Occasional cases have been reported with ocular, neurological and cardiac complications, and gastrointestinal discomfort.
Yes, can be fatal if
not panic yet, according to WHO, serious complications are rare. Now, worry, as also says that in older people the disease can contribute to death.
Often patients have only mild symptoms and the infection may go unnoticed or misdiagnosed as dengue in areas where it is often said.
Now is important to know how the chikungunya fever, which according to the WHO, has been detected in more than 60 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas is transmitted.
The WHO says the virus is transmitted from one person to another by the bite of infected female mosquitoes. Usually the mosquitoes involved are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, two species which can also transmit other viruses, including dengue. These mosquitoes usually bite during the daytime period, although its activity can be greatest early in the morning and late afternoon. Both species bite outdoors, but Aedes aegypti can also do indoors.
The disease usually appears between 4 and 8 days after the bite of an infected mosquito, although the range can vary between 2 and 12 days.
Once it was confirmed that a person has chikungunya, it needs to be serviced with proper treatment to prevent the disease is complicated.
According to WHO, the treatment consists mainly of relieving symptoms, including joint pain; antipyretics, analgesics and optimum liquid. But know that there is currently no market no vaccine against chikungunya virus.
Do not be alarmed if you follow the following prevention and control recommended by WHO, hardly have forced because of chikungunya holiday:
. Prevention and control
Prevention and control rely heavily on reducing the number of natural water reservoirs and artificial that can serve as breeding place for mosquitoes. This requires mobilizing affected communities. During outbreaks may apply insecticides, whether by vaporization, to kill mosquitoes in flight or on the surfaces of shells or around these, where mosquitoes pose; you can also use insecticides to treat water from the tanks to kill the immature larvae.
Furthermore, as protection during outbreaks are recommended to wear clothes that minimize skin exposure to vectors. You can also apply repellents to the skin or clothing, strictly following the instructions of use of the product.For those who sleep during the day, especially young children, the sick and the elderly, ITNs provide good protection.The mosquito coils and sprays insecticides can also reduce bites indoors.
Lastly, it is recommended that persons traveling to risk areas should take basic precautions, such as using repellent, long pants and long-sleeved shirts, or installing screens on windows.