Noticias de Yucatán
News Yucatan
Thursday, August 20, 2015
In compliance with the provisions of the Law on Government of the Municipalities of the State of Yucatan, the council created in the last regular meeting of the City Council, the Commission and representative plural handover, headed by Mayor Renan Barrera Concha, who chaired today the meeting of the college.
According to the aforementioned Law, the outgoing and incoming authorities will begin the process of handover within a minimum period of ten days preceding the date of installation of the City and swearing, and concludes with the execution and delivery the respective minutes.
The transfer of the current municipal administration entails the obligation to appoint a Commission of handover, so that the public administration outgoing to the incoming transfer the care and management of assets, rights and obligations and in the process, with enough relevant information and supporting documents.
The other members of the Commission of the handover, are: Lizbeth Estrada Osorio, Municipal Trustee, and councilmen Lolbé Carrillo Jimenez, Juan Barea Canul, Alfaro Enrique Manzanilla, Ruben Segura Perez and Jorge Rodriguez Pech.
Mayor obligations are: to chair the meetings of the Committee and coordinate the activities of the same.
Those of the Trustee, are overseeing the handover process and coordinate with the Comptroller during handover.
The council of commissioners: monitor the process of handover and coordinated with the Trustee for the procedures related to the handover.
During the session, the council agreed to accept donation of five farms and roads area, located in the fractionation Las Americas II, the Komchén station, delivering companies "Sadasi Real Estate Developments" and "promoters and Housing Developers' .
Moreover, the presidents council commissions, paid its latest activities.
After the meeting, Renan Barrera sent a message that stated:
'Democracy is not the absence of differences, but the privilege of coincidences and things have success being sought, should be widely discussed within a framework of respect, objectivity and, as far as possible, reliable information.
-The Essential that this administration had the sense to minimize the degree of errors and citizen dissatisfaction was that every decision made was on the side of citizens, for which 27 advisory councils were created for any of the making, especially, the most difficult, it was with the support of the people.
- We are not those who autocalificamos us. Are external agencies that defined that the City received awards for transparency; the United Nations, determined that Merida is one of seven certified safest cities in Mexico. Also achieved ISO certification and recognition processes in public services was achieved.
Finally, a video of the latest session of the National Conference of Municipalities of Mexico, of which he was president, in which the Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, he acknowledged the work was transmitted to Councilman Merida developed.
Jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015
En cumplimiento con lo dispuesto en la Ley de Gobierno de los Municipios del Estado de Yucatán, el Cabildo creó, en la última sesión ordinaria de este Ayuntamiento, la Comisión de Entrega-Recepción, plural y representativa, que encabeza el Alcalde Renán Barrera Concha, quien presidió hoy la junta de este órgano colegiado.
De acuerdo con la Ley antes mencionada, las autoridades entrante y saliente iniciarán el proceso de la entrega-recepción dentro de un plazo mínimo de diez días anteriores a la fecha de la instalación del Ayuntamiento y toma de posesión, y concluye con la suscripción y entrega del acta respectiva.
La transferencia de la actual administración municipal trae consigo la obligación de nombrar una Comisión de Entrega-Recepción, para que la administración pública saliente traslade a la entrante el cuidado y administración de los bienes, los derechos y las obligaciones contraídas y en proceso, con la respectiva información y los documentos comprobatorios suficientes.
Los demás integrantes de la Comisión de Entrega-Recepción, son los siguientes: Lizbeth Estrada Osorio, Síndico Municipal, y los regidores Lolbé Carrillo Jiménez, Juan Barea Canul, Enrique Alfaro Manzanilla, Rubén Segura Pérez, y Jorge Pech Rodríguez.
Las obligaciones del Presidente Municipal, son: presidir las reuniones de la Comisión y coordinar las actividades de la misma.
Las de la Síndico, son: supervisar el proceso de Entrega-Recepción y coordinarse con la Contraloría durante el proceso de Entrega-Recepción.
Las de los regidores comisionados: vigilar el proceso de Entrega-Recepción y coordinarse con la Síndico para los trámites relacionados con la Entrega-Recepción.
Durante la sesión, el Cabildo acordó aceptar en donación de cinco predios y un área de vialidad, ubicadas en el fraccionamiento Las Américas II, de la comisaría Komchén, que entregan las empresas “Desarrollos Inmobiliarios Sadasi”, y “Promotores y Desarrolladores de Vivienda”.
Por otra parte, los regidores presidentes de comisiones, rindieron su último informe de actividades.
Al término de la sesión, Renán Barrera dirigió un mensaje en el que señaló lo siguiente:
Al término de la sesión, Renán Barrera dirigió un mensaje en el que señaló lo siguiente:
—La democracia no es la ausencia de diferencias, sino el privilegio de las coincidencias y para que las cosas tengan el éxito que se busca, deben ser ampliamente debatidas en un marco de respeto, con objetividad y, en la medida de lo posible, con información fidedigna.
—El elemento esencial que esta administración tuvo el tino de reducir al mínimo el grado de errores y de inconformidad ciudadana, fue que cada decisión que se tomó fue del lado de los ciudadanos, para lo cual se crearon 27 consejos consultivos para que ninguna de las decisiones, especialmente, las más difíciles, fue con el acompañamiento de la gente.
— No somos los que nos autocalificamos. Son organismos externos los que definieron que el Ayuntamiento reciba premios por transparencia; la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, determinó que Mérida sea una de las siete ciudades seguras de México certificadas. También se lograron certificaciones ISO y se logró el reconocimiento de los procesos en los servicios públicos.
Por último, se transmitió un video de la más reciente sesión de la Conferencia Nacional de Municipios de México, de la que fue presidente, en la que el secretario de Gobernación, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, hizo un reconocimiento a la labor que el Concejal de Mérida desarrolló.
Por último, se transmitió un video de la más reciente sesión de la Conferencia Nacional de Municipios de México, de la que fue presidente, en la que el secretario de Gobernación, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, hizo un reconocimiento a la labor que el Concejal de Mérida desarrolló.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
In compliance with the provisions of the Law on Government of the Municipalities of the State of Yucatan, the council created in the last regular meeting of the City Council, the Commission and representative plural handover, headed by Mayor Renan Barrera Concha, who chaired today the meeting of the college.
According to the aforementioned Law, the outgoing and incoming authorities will begin the process of handover within a minimum period of ten days preceding the date of installation of the City and swearing, and concludes with the execution and delivery the respective minutes.
The transfer of the current municipal administration entails the obligation to appoint a Commission of handover, so that the public administration outgoing to the incoming transfer the care and management of assets, rights and obligations and in the process, with enough relevant information and supporting documents.
The other members of the Commission of the handover, are: Lizbeth Estrada Osorio, Municipal Trustee, and councilmen Lolbé Carrillo Jimenez, Juan Barea Canul, Alfaro Enrique Manzanilla, Ruben Segura Perez and Jorge Rodriguez Pech.
Mayor obligations are: to chair the meetings of the Committee and coordinate the activities of the same.
Those of the Trustee, are overseeing the handover process and coordinate with the Comptroller during handover.
The council of commissioners: monitor the process of handover and coordinated with the Trustee for the procedures related to the handover.
During the session, the council agreed to accept donation of five farms and roads area, located in the fractionation Las Americas II, the Komchén station, delivering companies "Sadasi Real Estate Developments" and "promoters and Housing Developers' .
Moreover, the presidents council commissions, paid its latest activities.
After the meeting, Renan Barrera sent a message that stated:
'Democracy is not the absence of differences, but the privilege of coincidences and things have success being sought, should be widely discussed within a framework of respect, objectivity and, as far as possible, reliable information.
-The Essential that this administration had the sense to minimize the degree of errors and citizen dissatisfaction was that every decision made was on the side of citizens, for which 27 advisory councils were created for any of the making, especially, the most difficult, it was with the support of the people.
- We are not those who autocalificamos us. Are external agencies that defined that the City received awards for transparency; the United Nations, determined that Merida is one of seven certified safest cities in Mexico. Also achieved ISO certification and recognition processes in public services was achieved.
Finally, a video of the latest session of the National Conference of Municipalities of Mexico, of which he was president, in which the Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, he acknowledged the work was transmitted to Councilman Merida developed.