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Drama de una modelo colombiana presa en China: enfrentaría pena de muerte

24 agosto 2015
Noticias de Yucatán

(CNN Español) - Juliana López es una modelo colombiana de 22 años que fue encarcelada hace una semana por las autoridades chinas y podría enfrentarse a la pena de muerte. El motivo: la acusan de llevar drogas a ese país.
La odisea de López, que además es futbolista aficionada y estudia Contaduría Pública en una universidad de Medellín, según le contó a CNN en Español un tío de la mujer, empezó hace unos meses atrás planeando su viaje con el objetivo de comprar mercancía para vender en Colombia, algo que ya había hecho anteriormente.
El pasado viernes se comunicó por última vez con su mamá desde el aeropuerto de Qatar, le afirmó a CNN en Español David Muñoz, tío de la joven nacida en Medellín.
Juliana López fue detenida el 18 de julio en la ciudad de Guangzhou, al sur de China acusada de narcotráfico, de acuerdo con un comunicado de la Cancillería colombiana, en el que también se afirma que esa entidad se comunicó con la madre de la joven para informarle sobre los hechos.
“Es difícil creer que ella haga eso [llevar drogas] porque no tenía necesidad económica. Tiene un futuro promisorio: está en una agencia de modelaje, se pagó el semestre en la universidad y estaba en un canal de televisión local ”, dijo Muñoz, quien sabe que China es un país muy estricto con las penas por ese delito.
Presa en China
El Buró Anticontrabando de la Aduana de Guangzhou informó a la Cancillería sobre la detención de la mujer. Desde ese entonces el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores ha brindado asistencia consular a la mujer, según afirmó a CNN en Español una fuente de la Cancillería.
Los representantes consulares de Colombia en China iniciaron gestiones ante las autoridades competentes en ese país para visitarla, de acuerdo con un comunicado de la Cancillería.
No obstante, nadie ha podido comunicarse con López directamente a la espera de la autorización de las autoridades chinas, según le confirmó la Cancillería a CNN en Español.
Juliana ya había viajado anteriormente a China a comprar mercancía para comercializar en Colombia. (Crédito: Instagram/@juli_lopezs)

China, muy drástica con el narcotráfico
El presidente de la Asociación de la amistad Colombo – China, Jaime Moreno García, un experto en el tema, explicó que China es un país muy estricto con el delito del narcotráfico porque históricamente ha padecido desgracias relacionadas con el narcotráfico, con la llamada "guerra del opio", una batalla con Inglaterra desatada a raíz del contrabando del Opio por parte de los ingleses, entre 1856-1860.
“Hay leyes muy drásticas contra eso. El narcotráfico no se lo perdonan a nadie”, dijo Moreno, que agregó que la defensa del caso podría salir muy costosa para la familia.
Otro obstáculo por el que tanto el experto como la familia han mostrado preocupación es la barrera idiomática.
“Caer preso en China es quedar mudo y preso de por vida”, afirmó Moreno.

Ayuda económica
Mientras el caso avanza y el gobierno chino da alguna autorización para que puedan comunicarse con la modelo, su familia dice estar consternada por este momento difícil que atraviesan.
“Uno no termina de creer que esto esté pasando. Son momentos muy difíciles que estamos afrontando con fortaleza”, dijo David Muñoz desde Medellín.
Las amigas y compañeras de ‘Las Divas del Fútbol’, equipo aficionado para el que juega López, organizan actividades para recoger fondos para defender a la mujer ante las autoridades chinas.

Pena de muerte en China, sin cifras oficiales
El caso de López no es el único. De acuerdo con la Cancillería colombiana hay otros tres colombianos condenados a pena de muerte por delitos de narcotráfico y otros 138 detenidos en ese país por diferentes delitos.
Según datos de Amnistía Internacional, China es uno de los países con más casos de pena de muerte para sus acusados, seguido de Irán, Arabia Saudí, Irak y Estados Unidos.
De acuerdo a esta organización de Derechos Humanos, en 2014 China ejecutó a más personas que el resto de los países del mundo juntos, aunque se desconoce la verdadera magnitud del uso de la pena de muerte en el país.


News Yucatan

(CNN Spanish) -  Juliana López is a Colombian model of 22 years was jailed a week ago by the Chinese authorities and could face the death penalty. The reason: accused of bringing drugs into this country.
Odyssey Lopez, who is also an amateur footballer and studied Public Accounting at a university in Medellin, as told CNN in Spanish woman's uncle, a few months ago started planning your trip in order to buy merchandise to sell Colombia, which had earlier.
On Friday it was reported last seen with her mother from the airport in Qatar, he told CNN in Spanish David Muñoz, uncle of the young born in Medellin.
Juliana López was arrested on July 18 in the city of Guangzhou in southern China accused of drug trafficking, according to a  statement from the Colombian Foreign Ministry , which also states that the company contacted the mother of the young to inform you of the facts.
"It's hard to believe she do that [take drugs] because it had no financial need. Has a promising future is in a modeling agency, paid the semester in college and was on a local television channel, "Munoz, who knows that China is a country with very strict penalties for the crime he said.
Dam in China
The Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau of Guangzhou informed the Foreign Ministry on detention of women. Since then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has provided consular assistance to women, according to CNN in Spanish said a source at the Foreign Ministry.
Consular representatives of Colombia in China began negotiations with the competent authorities in that country to visit, according to  a statement from the Foreign Ministry .
However, no one has been able to communicate directly with Lopez awaiting approval from Chinese authorities, according to the Foreign Ministry confirmed it to CNN in Spanish.
Juliana had previously traveled to China to buy merchandise to sell in Colombia. (Credit: Instagram / @ juli_lopezs)

China, very drastic drug trafficking
The president of the Association of friendship Colombo - China, Jaime Moreno Garcia, an expert on the subject, said that China is a country with strict drug crime that has historically suffered misfortunes related to drug trafficking, with the "war opium ", a battle unleashed following the Opium smuggling by the British, England between 1856-1860.
"There are laws against that drastic. The drug would not forgive anyone, "Moreno said, adding that the defense of the case could get very expensive for the family said.
Another obstacle for both the expert and the family have shown concern is the language barrier.
"Falling prisoner in China is be silent and imprisoned for life," said Moreno.

Financial assistance
As the case progresses and the Chinese government gives no authority for them to communicate with the model, her family says she is appalled at this difficult time passing through.
"You do not fully believe this is happening. Are very difficult times we are facing with strength, "said David Muñoz from Medellín.
The friends and colleagues of 'Divas Football' amateur team playing for Lopez, organize fundraising activities to defend women with the Chinese authorities.

Death penalty in China without official figures
Lopez's case is not unique. According to the Colombian Foreign Ministry there are three other Colombian sentenced to death for drug trafficking and other 138 detainees there for different offenses.
According to Amnesty International,  China is one of the countries with death penalty cases to their defendants, followed by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the United States.
According to this human rights organization, in 2014 China executed more people than the rest of the world combined, although the true extent of the use of the death penalty in the country is unknown.


News Yucatan

(CNN Spanish) -  Juliana López is a Colombian model of 22 years was jailed a week ago by the Chinese authorities and could face the death penalty. The reason: accused of bringing drugs into this country.
Odyssey Lopez, who is also an amateur footballer and studied Public Accounting at a university in Medellin, as told CNN in Spanish woman's uncle, a few months ago started planning your trip in order to buy merchandise to sell Colombia, which had earlier.
On Friday it was reported last seen with her mother from the airport in Qatar, he told CNN in Spanish David Muñoz, uncle of the young born in Medellin.
Juliana López was arrested on July 18 in the city of Guangzhou in southern China accused of drug trafficking, according to a  statement from the Colombian Foreign Ministry , which also states that the company contacted the mother of the young to inform you of the facts.
"It's hard to believe she do that [take drugs] because it had no financial need. Has a promising future is in a modeling agency, paid the semester in college and was on a local television channel, "Munoz, who knows that China is a country with very strict penalties for the crime he said.
Dam in China
The Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau of Guangzhou informed the Foreign Ministry on detention of women. Since then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has provided consular assistance to women, according to CNN in Spanish said a source at the Foreign Ministry.
Consular representatives of Colombia in China began negotiations with the competent authorities in that country to visit, according to  a statement from the Foreign Ministry .
However, no one has been able to communicate directly with Lopez awaiting approval from Chinese authorities, according to the Foreign Ministry confirmed it to CNN in Spanish.
Juliana had previously traveled to China to buy merchandise to sell in Colombia. (Credit: Instagram / @ juli_lopezs)

China, very drastic drug trafficking
The president of the Association of friendship Colombo - China, Jaime Moreno Garcia, an expert on the subject, said that China is a country with strict drug crime that has historically suffered misfortunes related to drug trafficking, with the "war opium ", a battle unleashed following the Opium smuggling by the British, England between 1856-1860.
"There are laws against that drastic. The drug would not forgive anyone, "Moreno said, adding that the defense of the case could get very expensive for the family said.
Another obstacle for both the expert and the family have shown concern is the language barrier.
"Falling prisoner in China is be silent and imprisoned for life," said Moreno.

Financial assistance
As the case progresses and the Chinese government gives no authority for them to communicate with the model, her family says she is appalled at this difficult time passing through.
"You do not fully believe this is happening. Are very difficult times we are facing with strength, "said David Muñoz from Medellín.
The friends and colleagues of 'Divas Football' amateur team playing for Lopez, organize fundraising activities to defend women with the Chinese authorities.

Death penalty in China without official figures
Lopez's case is not unique. According to the Colombian Foreign Ministry there are three other Colombian sentenced to death for drug trafficking and other 138 detainees there for different offenses.
According to Amnesty International,  China is one of the countries with death penalty cases to their defendants, followed by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the United States.
According to this human rights organization, in 2014 China executed more people than the rest of the world combined, although the true extent of the use of the death penalty in the country is unknown.

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